Idiocy of Society
Just when you thought you'd seen the worst...
Please note...this page reflects my personal views, (i.e., your view may be poor and/or distorted). Don't come crying to me if you disagree with my (correct) view of these people and their ideas.

                                                         See also:  
Language Changes by the Liberal Left
Charlie Daniels tells hollywood...

Now the BBC has joined the ranks of the idiots of the world...
Thier staff can't refer to Saddam as a "dictator". The "nice man" must be referred to, "nicely" as the "deposed president".
What a crock of feces.
Well, BBC with feces for brains...join the world of left wing idiots. My hope is you receive no government funding...same as my hope for PBS.
AOL heading for the toilet...
And who, pray tell, is surprised?
For years they've ripped off their customers with ridiculous prices.
For years they've aggravated their customers with unwanted advertising spam.
For years they've managed to piggy back themselves onto other products to invade user's systems.
And, IMO, for years they've lied about their customer base...sending out a gazillion diskettes and or CD's, counting the people who sign up for the "free" period and failing to "uncount" them when they tell AOL to stick it where the sun doesn't shine.
1. That anyone associated with Hollywood could play Ronald Reagan in anything.
2. More disgraceful that anyone associated with Streisand could accurately protray anyone of Ronald Reagan's calibre.
Taking notes? Yeh, right...
An outstanding example of the Democrat's don't care attitude.
There is absolutely no end to left wing media idiocy...

Same thing happened in New York a few weeks ago.
Little or nothing in the leftwing media.
Little or nothing on this in the leftwing media.
Yet, the pattern follows american "entertainment".
Will we continue to allow the leftmost to pollute absolutely and absolutely pollute our youth?
It's up to you.

Another example of over funding and under managing.
This may be legal, but it smells to high heaven.

disney idiocy...
Amazing, isn't it? These jerks pretend to have no understanding that the downfall of disney has nothing to do with terrorism or the economy and everything to do with the fact they've lost sight of their roots. No longer does anyone view disney as wholesome entertainment. They're just another eletist studio pandering violence and sexism.

Another example of a stinkingover funded undermanaged "law enforcement" group.
These people are disgusting.

an ethical judge?...
I think not.
Has to be a democrat, though.
Who/what else would appoint an un-ethical ex-senator to any position of responsibility?

the french...
There is no way these jerks aren't the slimeballs of civilization.
Mr. Powell...tell them to kiss off. There's no repairing to be done. Let them sink in their own mire.

jackson ill?...
Should I feel sorry for him or just barf?
I believe the latter more appropriate.

hollywooders running scared...
But their leftmost mentality only allows them to bash The President as he tries to protect their sorry a***s.

This guy must be a democrat. None other could spout forth as much rhetorical BS.

dixie chicks...
Disdain could not be showered on a more deserving group.
And, if vince gill thinks they should be "forgiven", he's right in there with them.

jayson blair...
An honest to G-d immoral racist jerk.
If, indeed, he "writes his story" and ANYBODY buys one copy of it, they're the same immoral jerks he is.

kerry would lose to Bush...
Is this a surprise to anyone (except the democrats)?

"entertainment" idiocy...
These people have absolutely no concept of social responsibility.

Do these jerks think continuing to display their rot in the face of almost unanimous disdain does anything to forward their cause?
How can people be so stupid?

Feces for brains...
...both the "reporter" and the "college president".
Where oh where has common sense gone?

What absolute BS...
How this jerk can get away with planning a book, I'll never know.
What I do know is that I'm not surprised at all that he brings race into the picture.
When will these people learn they have to stand on their own?

Asinine media...
As with the leftmost democrats, they just don't get it.
And neither does college president paul pribbenow. One would think a college president would have a few brains. I guess not.

gephardt skips most votes...
And this is as good as the democrats can come up with?

Journalistic integrity...
Just one more example.

"Entertainment" kills...
You can stop it with boycotts of the works and the sponsors.

And Hollywood's in denial...
Leftmost academic idiocy...
Curious, isn't it.
"Academic freedom" to speak is OK...unless they don't agree with you.

G-d Almighty...
Why would a university like NC State invite the likes of Phil Donahue at all?
Clearly the leftmost liberal education establishment trying to promulgate its views in the lack of any common sense.

So well said...
except for the Bill O'Reilly BS.

Jayson Blair...
What happens when the liberal establishment seeks "diversity" over common sense.
What happens when a black, raised in an "upscale neighborhood" follows the fallacy the world "owes me".

democratic idiocy...
an excellent summary.
" a mob of floundering zealots who are hitting everything except the target..."

Oliver Stone...
another feces for brains Hollywooder.

tell the Clintons and all their cronies to shut up and get over it.
Accept that they're all slime balls and the whole world knows it.

How do you spell canada?...

Lies to the french?...
Amazing what these traitors to civilization are trying to do after the fact to fool people.
So it's an "impression" that "...was that France had "protected a tyrant and a bloody dictator" and was "hostile to the United States..."? I think not. Given their actions, there's no doubt they did.

See also...
Only in leftmost academia...
Would one compare a language falling into disuse to endangered species.
These people have absolutely no the democrats (which they most surely are).

barbara walters "wins" the interview?...
Only in the leftmost media would interviewing hillary clinton be considered a "win".
Seems to me it's a career low...and that's pretty low for walters.

Texas democrats...
What a bunch of chicken feces for brains people.
51 of them run and hide in Oklahoma so as to dodge voting on significant issues.
Why Oklahoma? Texas law would have allowed the Texas Rangers to drag their butts to Austin where they should have been.
Why on G-d's green earth would anyone want any democrat in any political position anywhere?
Is this whole party completely crazy? Apparently so.

"senator" bob graham...
Another democratic idiot.
No interest in the safety and security of the US.
No understanding that the economic decline began years before Slick Willie left office.
No plan.
Just another Bush Basher.
Wonder if a negative vote is possible? We'll see in 2004.

Does anybody really care what these jokes think or say about anything?
Let them dig their hole deeper. They can't get out as it is.

Law enforcement??...
Another over funded under managed agency staffed with idiots.

Ah, yes, the UN...
Not only is this an irrelevant organization, the members are nothing but hoodlums.
Gee, just like Clinton...stealing silverware, no less.

G-d Almighty
Who the hell cares who this a**hole "meets" with?
He had no credibility in office and even less now.

norman mailer...
only an elitist leftest would make the Iraq "war" a racist action.

would anyone expect differently from this self-centered egotistical jerK?

world's idiocy...

Their involvement in undermining the civilized world becomes more clear and involved.
Let's see, what's a good time to invade Paris?

What a blithering idiot.
Are all "entertainers" stupid?
Are all "entertainers" anti-American?
He says the way the Dixie Chicks are being treated is "un-American".
They use their right of free speech to denigrate The President, during a time of war, no less, and the public is supposed to treat them as normal human beings?
They have the right to say what they want, as traitorous and anti-American as it might be. I have the right to put them and their works out of my life forever.
One's actions are not without repercussion. One must take the consequences.
It's pretty clear that the only thing important to springsteen and the chicks is the almighty dollar.

kofi annan...
What audacity. What unmitigated gall.
The useless UN has stood by for years ignoring the plight of the Iraqi people while shoring up the wealth of Saddam Hussein and his cronies (including the russians, germans and the french).
Now he has the audacity to lecture the US troops on "civilian care".
He and the UN are totally useless hypocrites.

Airline idiocy...
I never cease to be amazed at how the airline industry is blaming everything they can for their own management incompetence.
They were losing billions before September 11, 2001, but...
They're blaming their failures on:
Iraq uncertainty
Iraq war
Higher fuel prices
"Low cost fares". (Duh!)
This is all absolute BS.
A well managed company will be profitable. Witness Southwest Airlines.
I would ask how our politicians can be fooled, but, I guess that's not too difficult, is it?

kerry's BS...
Now the prior leftmost hogwash about him "looking" french makes sense.
He can't get support via contributions, but, if "personally attacked" he'll use family fortune.
Most curious...he's exactly the type of person he's accusing President Bush of accepting contributions from. What a jerk...but, then, he's a democrat, isn't he?

leftwing press?...
I have my suspicions that this is nothing but leftmost hogwash.
To wit, note that the purported remarks are contributed to no one.
My opinion? Kerry's an idiot. The French are idiots. Same DNA. Same looks.

dixie chicks...
Poor little things. Isn't it amazing how when the pocket book's hit attitudes change?
They've screwed up royally; no amount of their BS will undo what's been done.
They're anti-American "entertainters". To hell with them.

Dr.'s "uneasy"?...
My a**.
They clearly know when they're killing someone.
The only "unease" they should have is their commitment to burning in hell.

"NOW backs away"?...
I think not.
Seems to me they're trying to hide from the firestorm of criticism by people who know what life is and respect it.

democratic idiocy...
As usual.
Isn't it curious that anyone who has a view they can claim opposes them should step down, but, only if that person is Republican?
What kind of clones do they want running the country?

ABC News...
These people are absolutely stupid.
Who on G-d's green earth is interested in a debate of brain dead democrats month's before anybody votes for anything?
President George W. Bush has these leftmost people in such disarray they have no idea of what they're doing, and, most assuredly, are unable to even think straight.

A truly sick bunch of "people" (using the term "people" loosely).


democratic hide and seek...
Hide their true selves for 2004.
Won't work.
So true: "...Democrats have no candidates with the acting skills to fool a large plurality of the people most of the time..." (as did Slick Willie).

"pro-choice" equals pro-violence...
Evidently the truth hurts.

Media fakers...
and how many more false stories will they run because they decide it's OK?
The media is out of control.

Once a jerk, always a jerk.
Sure seem to be a lot out there who are called "audience", too.


For doing the right thing?
Robbins and Sarandon don't deserve the time of day, much less a call to tell them they and their products are tripe and are no longer welcome.

the immoral (now) non-Catholic.

A man with no credibility
heading a team with no credibility
sponsored by an organization with no credibility...
expects anyone to believe their involvement adds credibility?
Dream on.

tim robbins...
"Entertainment" idiocy.
Why is he "proud" to have the media "support" his view.
Personally, I'd be ashamed.
In his case, it's expected.

edwards "supporters"...
I guess only those that remain fit this list.

rodney king...
Do we live in an absolutely stupid society or what?
Any WASP would have been paid zilch and put away forever by now.
But, king? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo...
God Almighty are we absolutely stupid.

media crap...
Interesting, isn't it? The boy's blasting the media for their unkept promises while the media takes the opportunity to make it sound like a bomb was dropped on his house on purpose.
Free speech? More like "Free and Unbridled BS".

Dear President Bush:
Please tell chirac and the french to stick it where the sun doesn't shine.

along with france and germany: Traitors to humanity.
Methinks it should be a cold day in h*** when these three countries are allowed any stake in the future of the world.

a true idiot.
A danger to America.
Dumber than dirt.
"We could have brought that statue down for a lot less."
Yeh, right.
One of the flagships of decline of the democratic party.
The good part...people like her contribute to their further political loss in 2004.

fox & jackson...
So much for fox's integrity...if they had any to begin with.

france & chirac...
Ah, yes...any amount of BS (after the fact) in hopes of regaining some respect.
Too bad. Too late. France should get absolutely nothing except isolation.

Media idiocy...
Will it never end?
  People think:
	press war criticism is "off the mark"
	the "chorus of second-guessers "retired military officers embedded in TV studios.""
	tired of antiwar coverage
	"ex-military commentary" had received too much attention.
	the media were too critical" of the war
	"Which journalist do you think is the most glum" after Iraqi cheering started? 
		The poll ranked ABC's Mr. Jennings first with 78 percent of the votes, 
		followed by free-lancer Peter Arnett (17 percent) and CBS' Lara Logan 
		(5 percent.)
	Fox News described the Baghdad scene as "filled with hundreds of joyful people,
		" ABC's Peter Jennings' characterized the throng as "a small crowd."
	disgusting commentary regarding momentarily covering Saddam's face with an
		American flag:  NBC's Kelly O'Donnell; CNN's Wolf Blitzer and Christiane Amanpour;
		CNN'sOctavia Nasr;


Doesn't get it.
Remember, though,he's a democratic. They're not known for grasping facts.
(These jerks are holding up qualified George W. Bush nominees for court positions based on ideolgy, and, yet, that's the exact reason kerry would nominate!
Are these people idiots or are they idiots?!)

Hanoi Jane...
Once a fool, always a fool.
Curious how the "whole world" will unit against us when 49 countries united with us to make it happen.
'Course she was speaking to a Canadian audience; they're not very bright.

leftmost BS...
Let me get this right. Libraries are shredding documents daily that previously they had procrastinated on and done weekly.
And, the headline reads that they're using their shredders to show opposition to "FBI powers".
What kind of absolute nonsense is this?
Leftmost media sensationalism is what it is.
Too bad these people have lost sight of journalism.

dixie chicks...
A joke? Give me a break.
A month later, this idiot decides it was a joke? I think not.
She, along with most entertainers, are aiders and abettors and should be treated accordingly.

the total stupidity continues.
He and his ilk have no place in our way of life.

"...should have been more careful..." my butt.
Should have been less stupid.
Should have thought about what "aiding and abetting" is.
Should be sacked.

hillary's book...
Maybe she left it on a White House coffee table along with hundreds of other legal documents.
Personally, I don't care if it never shows up. I don't buy anything associated with a jerk.

the UN; kofi annan...
OK, mr. annan, I give up. How and why do you think the UN's involvement in ANYTHING will add legitimacy?
The UN's shown itself to be a totally worthless and irrevelant organization.

liberal idiocy...
The real issue here is these leftmost people can't stand nor can they believe that our current leadership under George W. Bush is honest, straightforward and immensely competent.
They can only react with nastiness when they are honestly challenged. Why? Because they have absolutely no competence of their own.

Slaughter house...
Gee, I wonder why our "entertainment industry" aiders and abetters and our democratic politico aiders and abetters never mentioned this when they visited Iraq? Could it possible be that the Saddam dictatorship showed them only selected heavenly sights?
Could our leftists be so stupid?

Media stupidity...
I never cease to be amazed at how the media can say nothing and take columns of print to do it.
The link below is an outstanding example.

This jerk never learns.
An important lesson is that a true leader of this country does not partake in this BS.
He'll learn his real lesson in 2004...or before.

National Public Radio...
were you under the misapprehension that these people were fair and unbiased?
Action? Make sure they're not funded, either through donations or tax supplements.

Still under fire.
And, rightly so.
He may think his stupidity appropriate, but, people with common sense know it's unpatriotic and inappropriate and pure politics. But, that's a democratic leftist, isn't it? Power grabbing above all else...even the safety and security of the country.

I think not.
People like this are not human.

"clinton aid"?...
We know about them, don't we?

called for what he is. A blithering idiot. A democratic opportunist. A jerk.
An aider and abetter.
A typical democratic leftist.

Germany's Schroeder...
on the fence?
My a**. If you're not with us you're against us...and he's not with us.

Pearl Jam...
idiots emeritus.
Amazing what jerks can hide behind "freedom of speech".
Thank God people have the good sense to walk out.

"congressman" mcdermott...
The never changing left winger.
Aided and abetted the enemy in Iraq; continued to do so on CSPAN.
Clearly took lessons from Slick Willie in dodging questions.

Kofi Annan...
Stupidity personified
Guess what, Mr.'ve made the UN THE loser. And in spades.
The UN is no longer anything.

Media idiocy...
Nothing like sensationalism instead of journalism...but, what do you expect from CNN.
Reading the headline, one would think President Bush is kissing up to Edwards.
Reading the article, one finds that President Bush is being his normal courteous self and inviting all affected NC politicians.
CNN: Duh!

Tina Brown (London Times)...
Typical inane BS.
I read this tripe beginning to end trying to make sense of it.
At the end I concluded I was right to start's BS.

the traitor.
We know what should happen to traitors, don't we?

democratic idiocy...

Not only are these people stupid, they are truly disgusting.
Eventually they'll realize their days of being able to mislead are over.

The french...
stupidity personnified.
Too bad we didn't let them be forced to speak German 50 some years ago.
It's now time to ostracize them from humanity.

USA Today...
What the heck do these blithering idiots expect?
Is this the best they can do for news?
I read this in my own common sense days and days ago.
What a bunch of jerks.

once an idiot, always an idiot.
For G-d's sake, are all democrats looney?
Don't bother to answer...I know.
To Gore: They were made to feel unAmerican because they are unAmerican. Name calling and slander are chickens**t ways to give an opinion...but you liberals don't care, do you?
Goodbye Gore; goodbye democrats in 2004.

democratic stupidity...
These people never learn, do they?
Oh, well, they have succeeded in making themselves useless and continue to re-enforce their position.

Stupid comments...
Read the link and make your judgement.
Note "...with blacks and liberals most opposed".
Does that mean blacks aren't liberals?
What I wonder is when the black populous is going to give up on all the unfulfilled democratic promises of decades.
When will the black populous realize they've been (and generally remain) pawns of the democratic party.

the typical "entertainment" airhead.
Another good reason the tell AOL-Time Warner to stick it.

At least she's now pulled the release...after garnering the publicity from this ruckus.
Peter Arnett...
another aider and abettor. A traitor in my book.
At least NBC had the good sense to fire him, although it took pressure
following their initial defense of him.
What the h** is wrong with these people?
Arnett, though...once a traitor, always a traitor...1988 in Laos, 1991 in the Gulf War, now.
In his empty "apology", he said nothing to retract his traitorous remarks nor his act.

Is this a surprise?...
Of course he'll continue killing his own people.
Of course he'll blame the US and the 45 nations supporting action.
Of course, the leftwing will believe and pontificate on every word Saddam Hussein utters.
That's what aiders and abetters do.

Media idiocy...
These people are truly nuts.
Now, their view of "free speech" means they have a right to do and say what they d**n well please, regardless of the rights of the speaker.
What next; what next?

Protestor dies...
as Hussein and his left wing US supporters claim their latest victim.

Leftmost blathering...
Yes, people with loose tongues and no thoughts...
This President Bush doesn't have the 30 someodd countries supporting this Irag endeavor.
This President Bush has 45 at last count.

Oprah Winfrey...
Another aider and abetter.
Another anti-American.
Another attempt at dividing based on color.
Another leftmost liberal "entertainer".
Is there no intelligence left in these people?
Use your "off" switch.

Joins the ranks of the aiders and abetters.
Which galaxy is he from to think the media's not biased? He who kissed up to Slick Willie and spouse during his sex scandal.
Who is naive enough to believe he's not biased?
Is there no intelligence left in these people?

Dumb a***d media...
The US media, in it's never ending disgusting quest to present what they want instead of the truth, reports that Tony Blair's victory in Commons was 396 to 217. In truth, the victory was 412 to 149. The 396 to 217 vote was the votedown of a rogue amendment. The 412 to 149 vote was the vote in support of the government's position. Why do they present this in an untruthful light? Because, if the real vote against the government's postion had been in excess of 200, it would have indicated a serious issue as to Blair's viability. The US media in it's leftmost attitude just cannot be truthful.

french U-turn...
1. I doubt it.
2. If they appear to, tell them to stick it where the sun doesn't shine.
The french have succeeded in making themselves nobodies in a world of real people.

Saddam Hussein...
If you can read this and not support the overthrow of this devil, you are truly a sick person.

The legal system...
Guess what?
The leftmosts have stacked the legal system with jerks like this.
Years and years of political rule by the leftmosts will continue to stain our way of life for generations to come.

Sorry, a******s, it's too late.
You've shown your true colors (yellow).
You allowed parlimentary maneuvering to override common sense. It's now too late.
You now deserve nothing. Nada. Zip. Zero.

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