Archived Idiocy
Just when you thought you'd seen the worst...
Please note...this page reflects my personal views, (i.e., your view may be poor and/or distorted). Don't come crying to me if you disagree with my (correct) view of these people and their ideas.

A true minority.
A true NOT leader.
A true "aider and abettor". (We all know what fate should await traitors, don't we?)
And, most of this fiasco was allowed to develop under Slick Willie who did nothing but put his penis in the mouth of an intern. (But, "I did not have sex with that woman...". What a bunch of jerks.)
And, let's get this right, in October, Daschle voted to support the use of force. Now force is necessary because the President failed? I think not. What a jerk.
A loser and a good example of why the democrats will be totally embarassed in 2004.

What a bunch of slimeballs.
The President is scheduled to speak to the nation at 8PM.
What do they do? They preempt "normal" programming for a "news special".
What do they do? They immediately denigrate the President with dumb a***d comments by the likes of Tom Daschle.
These people deserve nothing but disdain.
CBS is on my feces list.
The leftmost party will be totally embarassed by their own stupidity in 2004.

Media bias...
Every day, one reads and hears of "anti-war" protests.
Where's the coverage of the support movement?
Over the past several weeks there have been support rallies in San Antonio, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Erie, and others, involving thousands and thousands of supporters. Have you seen the coverage?
At best, and it's disgraceful. Here's what the Philadelphia Inquirer did. They gave equal billing to a "peace" rally involving a few dozen peaceniks downtown juxtaposed with a write up on the support ralley at Valley Forge attended by well over 10,000. Equal? My a**.
Any wonder why today's media have no credibility? Their status is well earned.
IMO, the first amendment needs to be rewritten. It's not doing what the founding fathers envisioned.

Seal the border.
I, for one, am d****d tired of coddling the idiots of the world.

More Aiders and abetters to boycott...
Dixie Chicks More...
John Mellencamp
Beastie Boys
George Michael
Anything to do with the french

The leftmost media...
is truly comprised of a bunch of blithering idiots.
Note the statement in the attached, to wit, "...The story was picked up on the Drudge Report, muck-raking journalist Matt Drudge's Internet Web site, and quickly went global..."
If these people would choose to tell the truth, they would really note that 90% (or more, IMO) of Matt Drudge's site consists of links to their own reporting. Yet, Drudge is the "muck-raker"? I think not.
How stupid can they be? How stupid do they think people are?
Their idiocy has no limits.

Tax and spend; democratic idiocy...
Rendell, pure democrat, wants to tax old folks in nursing homes.
Such compassion. NOT.
Such democrats. ABSOLUTELY.
Elected by the "inner city", he has no care for real people. SO TRUE.

"Dual use"...
my a**.
These lying french should be ostracized.

So he loses a laptop with "valuable campaign information".
What can be valuable? As a democrat, he has no proposals and his campaign will (as will all of the leftmost groups') be moot in 2004.
Who do these people think they're fooling?

democratic idiocy...
as demonstrated by rep. Kaptur.
Amazing, isn't it. These jerks say what they really mean and then spend weeks trying to extract themselves from their well deserved mess. Absolute proof they have no concept of what the beliefs of real people are.

War for oil?...
Interesting, isn't it? The leftmost blame Bush for an oil war when, in reality, the wimpy whiney veto casters are fighting a "not war for oil". Their attitude is, clearly, "to hell with the peace and stability of the world...give us oil".

is NOT an ally.
The "graffiti" was quite appropriate.
We'd be well served if Chirac is in Baghdad when the firing starts.
No relationship with france until they apologize for their stupidity
AND hand us a check for all the USA has done for them.

Slick Willie...
the idiocy continues.
Why does this jerk believe that the economic, political and moral decline he fostered will continue?

Kerry and Edwards...

Conveniently absent.
Typical democrats...afraid to vote on any matter of substance.

Dixie Chicks...
Another group of "entertainment" idiots.
Boycott their realeases.
Boycott any show they're on.
Boycott any advertisers that support them.
Do they have the freedom to say what they want? Sure. Absolutely.
Do I have to support their stupidity? Hell no.

Hans Blix...
This guy's truly a blithering idiot and a danger to civilization. He won't tell the truth about Iraq.
He hides evidence of Iraqi wrongdoing in the text of his reports.
He fails to recognize there will be no worry of global warming if Iraq has its way.

democratic idiocy...
Is there any other democratic activity?

First, Kerry has the audacity to say that President Bush has the worst foreign policy ever. Interesting, isn't it? These dolts, led by $%&*) Clinton are responsible for our situations: economic downturn, Korean BS, Osama running free, and the Iraq fiasco.
Yet, they have the audacity to criticize George W. Bush, the most upstanding man we've had in leadership in 10 years. Give me a break.
My vote (and others) in 2004 will tell them where they stand.
French idiocy...
These people are absolutely stupid. Maybe crazy's a more appropriate term.
Quoting them, they'll cast their veto "no matter what the circumstances".
This is absolute, total, irresponsible idiocy.
The whole world needs to tell the french to stick it where the sun doesn't shine.
I think we should suspend ALL relations with France, send them a bill for all the USA has done for them over the last 50 years and have absolutely nothing to do with them until they come forth hat in hand with a pocket full of repayment money.
In the meantime, don't buy ANYTHING french. Stay away from all french products and businesses..Sofitel, Motel 6 and Red Roof Inns. French cars are a no-no (as if they weren't already. When in Europe, bypass france.
This continues until they apologize, hat in hand.

"congressman" Moran...
Trent Lott's innocent statement at an old man's birthday party pales in the shadow of this blatant speech at a church gathering.
There is no room for this "man" in the leadership of our country. But, will he stay? You bet. The leftmost can do no wrong.
Curious, by the way, this article appeared on the Drudge Report for only a short period of time this morning...and then disappeared. Is Matt Drudge covering things up?

Iraqi idiocy...
How much more of their BS are we going to put up with? This is sheer craziness.

Airline idiocy...
First, the airlines blame 9/11 for their inept management.
For example, facts will show they were losing as much money in each of the first three quarters of 2001 as in the last.
Now, before the fact, they're blaming war for job layoffs.

Saddam Hussein...
This in and of itself is enough to justify his obliteration.

What kind of people are these...
and I use the word "people" very very loosely.
And, what kind of a police department is it that allows destruction of private property to be an expression of free speech.
The "people" who did this and the "police" who let it happen are aiding and abetting the enemies of US society. And, we know what should happen to traitors.

Violent Entertainment begets violent behavior...
Well, duh.
Anybody with common sense has known that all along.
(Hollywooders and other "entertainment" people common sense.)
If this violent behavior's showing up in adults, think of the impact on your kids .
Do you know where the "OFF" button is?

Hussein: a menace to civilization...
This man has to be destroyed, totally and abolutely.

A clear example of personal irresponsibilty,
but, the government's responsible.
These people would make outstanding democrats.

Flash: Iraquis surrender...
Imagine what it'll be like when war really starts!!

The Clinton "legacy"...
How many more of his failings will we experience?

Hans Blix...
a traitor to civilization.
Traitors are to be executed.

American education...
the sorry state of it, and, more particularly, the warped view of
the supposed educators.
This "professor" should no longer have a job in ANY educational environment.
These are the people who are educating your children...and if you think it's
only on the leftmost coast, you'd better wake up and smell the coffee.

Hans Blix...
This a**hole has no business doing what he's doing (and/or NOT doing).
He is truly a threat to the safety and security of the world. Quote... A report declassified by the UN yesterday contained
the revelation that inspectors have recently discovered
an undeclared Iraqi drone with a wingspan of 7.45m, the
TIMES OF LONDON is reporting Saturday.
US officials are outraged that Hans Blix did not inform
the Security Council about the remotely piloted vehicle
in his oral presentation to Foreign Ministers and tried
to bury it in a 173-page single-spaced report distributed
later in the day.
The report also says there is 'credible information'
indicating that 21,000 litres of biological warfare agent,
including some 10,000 litres of anthrax, was stored in
bulk at locations around the country during the first
Gulf War and was never destroyed. End quote...

Daschle and Pelosi...
One wonders if these two can lower themselves further into their cesspools.
And then they come along and answer the question by doing it.
As the democrats dig thier holes deeper and pull the dirt in on themselves they become less and less relevant.

French support of Iraq...
They know it's wrong. Why else would they ship the goods in a roundabout way?
It's way past time to tell the two face frenchies to stick it.

Helen Thomas...
Let's see now, ms. Thomas, you're treated like the jerk you really are and then have the audacity to think you're being snubbed? I'd say "snubbed" is way to kind a word for what you really deserve.

Student idiots...
Let me get this right.
High school students?
Protesting war? (Before we are of age to show good judgement?)
We skip classes to do so?
We loot local businesses in the process?
These actions and judgement are supposed to impress people?
Hoodlums, all.

John Kerry...
It's in the Congressional Record.
It's under his name.
His "aids" say he never saw it.
If you believe this tripe, let me offer you a bridge in New York.
Are all democrats liars? Is this the Clinton legacy?
Must be...there's nothing else, just lies and stonewalling by the whole bunch.

"congresswoman" Kaptur...
How low can you go?
But, we know you're a democrat, so the question become rhetorical.

Indeed I would give her what she deserves.
I'd boot her dumb a** into oblivion.
Along with a "sold out" crowd that follows such rot.

The Pope...
Naiveity knows no bounds.
I gues stupid can also be spelled T-h-e- -P-o-p-e.

Michael Jackson...
G-d Almighty...what next?
Is the whole "entertainment" industry insane?
Never mind, I know the answer.

One never knows what side of any fence she's really on.
I recommend no assumptions and keep your backside covered.

So MSNBC's "research" shows Donaldson "wouldn't be well received".
Wonder how much they spent to find the obvious? A 99 cent call to me would have done it.

Children's books?
Do you know how to spell o-x-y-m-o-r-o-n-i-c?
Do I have a closed mind on this? You bet. And you should too.

how to shoot one's self in the foot.
Yes, Mr. Erdogan, a years long relationship can be destroyed in a single day...and, you jerks have done it. Have you never heard of the "atta boy's" versus "aw s**t" problem?
I'd say that partisan parliamentary maneuvering has created quite a long term disaster for you folks.

Guess what, NBC...
if you're not worried, you d**n well should be.
I've already stopped watching any show where one of the participants is known by me to be an anti-war proponent (mislead though they may be).
The latest was one tonight with Sheryl Crowe. (And, I would have loved to see Willie Nelson who was co-hosting with her. But, I will not support these jerks in any fashion.
Unfortunately, by not watching, I don't know which advertisers to boycott...but, I'll find them eventually.

Media jerks...
at work.
As usual.
They never change, do they?
All weekend the blaring headlines on the broadcast and printed media have shouted how Turkey had "voted down" allowing US troops to use Turkish soil in the impending Iraqi action.
Wouldn't it have been much better to tell the truth and, in words, kick Turkey's butt for allowing partisian politics to overturn the real vote?
In reality the Turkish parliament vote was 264 to 250 in favor of the resolution. But, the parliamentary leader, in a show of pure politics, negated the action. The reason? There was no "overall" majority. What a crock. Do you realize what the application of this BS to American elections would do? No one would ever be elected to anything as we never even have a majority of the "overall" citizenry even voting. But, our media jerks ignore reality and march off to the left.
But, I guess (no, I know) looking for them to do otherwise is too much to expect from our very liberal very left media jerks. We learned this in spades during the Clinton years, didn't we? Play with and redefine words and actions until people forget. It's well known that the general citizenry has a very short attention span and wouldn't recognize reality if it bit them in the a**.
Which is very likely to happen very soon the way things are being allowed to be directed by the left wingers.
What a pity. What a disgrace. What BS. How disgusting.

isn't it? These jackasses have the truth flaunted in their faces and they suddenly decide they're wrong.

maybe this guy can now get a real job...unlikely, though.
The amazing information in this story is that an album doesn't have to sell one single copy to be "certified" platinum! What an absolute crock!

If we're lucky...
they'll cancel this tripe forever. Why can't the networks recognize that 99.9999% of their work is pure garbage?

Let me get this right...
a tree hugging/bunny hugging "rock star" knows more about the world situation than a gallant leader who has the full resources of the British government (and probably that of the USA) at his disposal?
What a crock. These people are truly nonthinking ignorants.

A warning?...
This is asinine.
People with judgement this poor have no business in education.
I'd fire their a***s in a heartbeat.

How do you spell stupid?...
or, F-R-A-N-C-E
or, G-E-R-M-A-N-Y
or, p-e-a-c-e-n-i-k
or, l-i-b-e-r-a-l l-e-f-t
and, now, T-u-r-k-e-y

How can this be...
they don't have any inhumane weapons of this sort. They've told us so.
How can so much of the world believe their continuing lies?

Proof again...
Having money doesn't prove one has brains.

The leftmost circus court...
is still as stupid as ever.

These socialistic jerks will never learn. One would have thought they'd have learned from Billary.

Another "entertainer"...
who has absolutely no idea of what the real world is.

Methinks the democratic jerks in The Congress have finally p****d off Senator Hatch to the point he's telling them to stick it...both in committe and on the Senate floor.
Thank you Senator Hatch.

How much more...
of this crap are the blithering idiots of the world going to be gullible enough to accept.
Herr Blix at the head.
Gee, and only a couple of days ago, Saddam Hussein told Rather (while he was aiding and abetting the enemy) that he wasn't going to destroy the missles because they didn't violate UN rules.
What a crock. The pure BS continues, ad nauseum.

Pacifist stupidity...
How inane can one get?
There are (and have been for years) sanctions against Iraq.
Saddam Hussein has chosen to redirect incoming goods and services away from the populous...including babies and children.
Yet these a**holes pontificate that the US is killing the children. What jerks.

Irresponsible journalism...
What crap.
Anyone can make any kind of stupid prediction about anything by thinking up worst case scenarios.
I suggest they and the reporter keep their fantasies to themselves.

SOB, isn't he, believing he's the equivalent of the Pope and the Dalai Lama?
Unfortunately, people buy his garbage thereby elevated his opinion of himself.
I say let him join the "shield force". Let him get his Darwin award.

Don't you just love being spoonfed horse manure by these people?
Clearly they have no interest in providing the truth.
Clearly they do not have the interests of the USA at heart.
I still say they are guilty of "aiding and abetting" and should reap the penalty for that.

What a jerk.
Anyone who doesn't realize that a show that has no interest to the viewing public and stays on the bottom of the ratings heap has no business at all being aired...

Disgusting teachers...
Teachers have truly overstepped their bounds on this.
These people have absolutely no business in any educational environment.

Two faced Clintons...
the saga continues.
Thank goodness the Republicans are finally telling these democrats their credibility is below zero.

The sheer idiocy and stupidity continues.
Apologies by the MP after the fact are not acceptable. She has no business being in any leadership role.
Personally I think closing the border for a while would wake these jerks up.

These people are absolutely crazy/stupid/etc. (all of the above).
They are upset because a terrorist bomb killed a donkey.
They're not upset because terrorist bombs have killed thousands of people.

"human shields"...
can't be insured of their safety.
Well, I say so what?
The world's better off without Darwinnin throwbacks.

The French...
When will these air heads realize they're a major part of the problem while counting zero toward a solution?

Dan Rather...
How gullible and stupid can some people be? You never know, do you?
I find it incomprehensible that he waited until he was in Baghdad to organize his questions.
I find it incomprehensible that he would ask simple minded questions with full knowledge that the answer would be a lie.
I find it extremely naieve that Rather says "He doesn't know why the interview was granted."
For God's sake man, you're a global channel for continuing lies and propaganda and you "don't know why?"
I cannot fathom why CBS let Iraq hold, translated and edit the tapes.
IMO, Rather and CBS are "aiding and abetting", and I think they fully realize they are doing so.
This is a prime example of the lengths the liberal left and it's media mouths will go to to discredit George W. Bush.
Kudos to the President for doing what's right and ignoring these mouths of dissention.

Saddam Hussein...
Stay and die or leave and live. Good riddance both ways.
Bad part about dieing is the "entertainment" industry snot noses. They will for sure claim he's a martyr.

People who are absolutely insane.
Demeaning holocaust victims by comparing them to caged chickens?
They spout the rhetoric that they want treatment of pigs, chickens, to be humanized!
Hello? These are animals. They're NOT humans.
BTW, they kicked off this "campaign" at Berkley. Is that any surprise.
I think I'm going to KFC for lunch tomorrow.
If your stomach can take it, visit their link.

Curious, isn't it...
that all 26 "senators" are democrats. That in and of itself tells me it's nothing but political tripe. Wonder how many votes they get by selling their integrity?

Words from jail...
Of course, there are thousands of traitors out there who will suck up on all this and agree.
What's the punishment for a traitor?

As gullible as the day is long.
This world wide stupidity would be amusing were not the future of the world at stake.

hasn't a clue. The lowest rated network airs a show that no one in their right mind would even contemplate, then they cancel it because they can't find more than 3 people to watch it and are then idiotic enough to say they're "proud" of it.
Do these people have no common sense or judgement?
The liberal left whines that talk shows are dominated by the right. Well, yes, they probably are. As with the liberal Donahue show...nobody's interested in their tripe.

How gullible...
can CBS be? What a bunch of traitorous jerks.

Dan Rather...
God Almighty, people. Don't you understand what "consorting with the enemy" means?
Don't you realize that you're just a propaganda tool?
Don't you know you're going to see and be told only what the enemy wants?
A CBS coup? I think not. Idiots for sure.

"Arts" funding...
If "art" is so significant, why does it need government funding in the first place?
Most of it is what was lambasted by Jesse Helms for years...pure garbage.
Perhaps if these people showed a bit of sanity and judgement instead of trying to see who can get lower in the gutter private funding wouldn't be drying up.
(And, pray tell, why is the "Grammy Foundation" getting $800,000 in tax money?)
A group largely made up of socialistic millionaires who do their best to undermine the interests of the USA needs my money? I think not.

Mugabe "speaks"...
Ah yes. He gets into power by forcing his will on his less fortunate countrymen and then has the audacity to "chastise" the US and Britain for forcing their will on others. What a smokescreen!


Busty stupidity...
Let me get this right...some jerk has the audacity to complain about this reserved figure but will sit back on his or her butt and accept the tons of trash poured out the the "entertainment" industry?
Every time I look, I find an idiot worse than that prior.

European idiocy grows...
Incredible. These jerks have the audactity to criticize the way we collect and spend money and themselves refuse to be a part of a world community. Self-centered arrogance.

What a jerk.

The penalty for being a traitor is?...
I think we all know.
Another elite member of this group with her head firmly stuck in the sand.

Total idiocy...
nothing more; nothing less.
Your best approach: Don't watch and boycott advertisers.

George Clooney...
Another Hollywood airhead speaks.
Must be nice to be able to ignore the human damage Saddam Hussein has done.
Personally, I couldn't sleep at night if I had this attitude.
So he thinks my branding of him as unpatriotic is unfair? Tough beans.
I call them as I see them, without the vision impairment of "head in the sand".

Lack of talent...
made up for by filthy language.
The Hollywood way.

Oh, so typical...
No programs of their own.
Not even any sensible ideas.
Just bash the other guy.
Goodby democrats in 2004.

High tech?...
Golly. Wow. Gee whiz.
One would think that, since Al Gore invented the internet, they would have been "high tech" long ago.
What a bunch of dorks.

"Rep" John Spratt...
Another dumba**ed democrat.
These people just can't accept that the lies and coverups of the Clinton years masked the true status of economic conditions.

Peacenik idiocy...
Mark Steyn says it all.

Hewlitt Packard gone bust...
Ah, yes. As we slide downhill, we change our name to "Agilent",
sell anything of value to Compaq, and let the rest degenerate.

Drew Carey...
I wouldn't give this guy a spot on a walkway to an outhouse.
Why recognize degeneracy?

Any doubt as to the truth?...
Five (yes, 5) venues say this band use fireworks and never asked permission.
Here, the band claims permission.

A choice of idiots...
If these people choose to die, so be it.
Darwin award candidates all.

The student is sueing?...
Yeh, right.
And I have some oceanfront property in Arizona I'll sell you cheap.
Do these idiots believe we the public are stupid enough to believe this tripe?
Let's call the parents what they really are.

Less than half??...
my a**
Make it less than a third.
People like this just cannot admit how wrong they are.

"Joe Millionaire"...
Gosh, you mean the show wasn't real?
Gosh, you mean reality shows aren't reality?
Gose, were you dumb enough to think so and watch it?
Or, did you just watch it because of brain atrophy and you forgot where the "off" button is?
As long as people watch this BS, you'll never see decent television.

democratic dummies...
As long as they believe they need $$ instead of ideas of substance we have nothing to fear.
In 2004 or at any time.

In the UK...
More than enough stupidity to go around. The Church. The "entertainment" industry. The ???.

Hussein & Chirac...
Long time bed fellows.

Government gone crazy...
Don't these a**holes know what foreplay leads to?
This sounds like a plot from Hollywood.

Oh, the "poor" French...
The can dish it out but can't take it.
True sign of a small mind.

Jesse Jackson...
It'll be interesting to see how he cleans this poop off his shoes.

Carl Bernstein...
another voice of insanity.
Another "do-gooder" who can't separate chaff from grain.

Martin Sheen...
another Hollywooder to ignore.
Why on God's green earth would anyone say "inspections work"?

Tina Brown & the NY Times...
These people have no concept of life in the real world.
I wonder what it's like to be totally and absolutely naieve?

What will it take to make the anti-war idiots believers...
Obviously not facts.

And more...
Just a poor innocent citizen...
With a gun.
Threatening police.
Innocent? Yeh, right.
So the "crowd" attacks the police.
What absolute idiocy.

The "entertainment" industry...
Out of control.

Hollywood idiocy impact...
on Darwin award candidates.

Canadian idiocy continues...
I still say tell Canada to stick it where the sun doesn't shine.
Let the pacifist pansies drown in their own inaction.

NBC "news"...
How low can they go?

EU idiocy...
How many chances does it take to make a "last chance".
These people are absolute lunatics.

Nobel idiocy...
Jimmy Carter...
More than a few peanuts shy of a load.

Heh, heh...
What a jerk.
Let's see now...if Hanson votes for her and she votes for herself, that'll be two votes.

Jesse Jackson...
will be there! What a surprise!
Wonder if his passport can be revoked while he's overseas undermining US interests?

"Not anti-Bush". Yeah, right.
"Not pro-Iraq". Yeah, right.
"Pro-Peace". Yeah, right.
Pro-$$$ I'd believe.
Sicko I'd believe.

The UN...
a non-relevant organization.

French pany waists...
How do you spell "victory" in French?

jerman jerks...
The number of total idiots in this world far exceeds those driving on US highways.
Amazing. Unbelievable.
And this from the people who gave us Adolph Hitler.

democrats (as always)...
Again, who needs foreign enemies with people like this walking the fruited plain?

democratic mess...
Couldn't happen to a more deserving group.

Still. Yet. Again. As usual.
With enemies like this on our own soil, who the hell needs al Queda, Iraq, and North Korea.

Height of stupidity...
Let me see now...99% of the voting people in this country (99.99999% of the population) have no idea who this person is and she's going to form an exploratory committee to run for president?
Oh, sorry, I was looking for rational behavior. I forgot we're dealing with liberal left democrats.
A big part of the problem is the democrats are searching for a way to defuse the Sharpton fiasco. I guess they think that hoisting a black female will do the trick. Never mind that she's totally unknown and has more embarassing scandals than Carter has peanuts.

The "tough" Swiss...
The job would be hard, so they won't even try.
Another country to tell to kiss off.

More feces masguerading as "entertainment".
Do you know where your "off" button is tonight?

Media idiocy...
Personally, I think the first amendment has outlived its usefulness when it comes to "news" organizations.
Sensationalism and personal agendas have no place in any group with the power to permeate society with no checks and balances.

The last time the French wanted more proof, it came to town in tanks under a German flag.
The idiocy continues...
Sorry, these people aren't "stars". They're about as low as one can go.

Hollywood fakes...
Ah, yes. Let's make things match our warped view of ourselves and reality. To hell with truth.

Reality show my a**. These "entertainment" industry moguls wouldn't know "reality" it it hit them in the face. A real reality show would depict their sordid lives and sordid shows as they really are. Wouldn't that make people barf?

German idiocy...
Personally, I think it's time to remove American troops from Germany and let the fools (try) to protect themselves. Turkey, I suspect, would love to have tens of thousands more Americans on their soil and the millions and millions of dollars of economic advantage that would bring.

Sean Penn...
Poor spoiled member of this group.
Seems to me the punishment for actions like his should be much more than denial of a movie role.

democrats say...
they can block the vote on the Estrada nomination.
Way to go, idiots. You blocked so much legislation last year with your petty politics it's become a way of life.
Well, you were creamed in November 2002 for your idiocy and you'll be creamed in 2004 for same.

Three reasons we have the North Korean mess...
1. Jimmy Carter 2. Bill Clinton 3. Madeline Albright
This woman is truly sick.
If you choose to foster decadence and stupidity, let your kids follow...I'm sure MTV will play it big.
(But don't come to my house to watch...MTV's deleted from our TVs' memories.

Don't you really feel safe?...
You're being "protected" by much less capable people than these who have to guard only one man.
This is a clear demonstration of pure government/bureaucratic incompetence.

Jackson feces...
The ABC showing of the "Jackson Show" had an 18.7 rating.
I hope you weren't a part of this disgusting sensationalism.
If you were, you support decadence and have no business reading my web pages.
Chelsa Clinton...
Like father like daughter.

Branson joins the emeritus members of this page...
If you or I had done this, we'd get life in prison.
Nothing like the immorality perks of the "entertainment" industry.

Sheer stupidity and hypocricy...
If a Republican did this, the liberal left and its media mouth would raise holy hell.
The call for resignation/recall/censure/etc. would be heard world wide.
But, "Sen" Edwards is a rules apply.

A sick commentary...
Chicago is overrun because they are lax and Los Angeles cracks down? Wake up Chicago. Wake up INS.

And More...
ABC goes down...
What they fail to realize is that the number of people watching their news broadcasts is directly proportional to the number of people who watch them on a regular basis. Their generally programming has become decadent; they themselves undermine their base.

Michael Jackson...
How can he feel betrayed? The truth was told about him and the world puked.
But, then there are people like MS. Morgan who wouldn't know truth if they tripped over it.

Hollywood idiocy...
the never ending saga.

What an absolute jerk.
Too bad he was ever let out.

Michael Jackson...
Another "entertainer", using the term very loosely.
Your best vote is to take ABC off your television and/or use the "off" button.
I trust you have better sense than to buy any of "his" releases or go to any of "his" shows.

Cancelling a party for fear of "rap" group fighting? Will it never end?
Again, you make these idiots "famous" and your children follow in their footsteps.

At least he's been removed as head of the mosque.

industry idiocy. These are the people you make "famous" and to whom your children then pattern their behavior.

If you believe this...
is a valid suit, I have some ocean view property in Arizona I'll sell you. Cheap.

French, Syrians, etc. ...
Talk about ranks of the stupid.

how many stupid people there are.

ABC loses, again...
They may have won the "bid", but they've lost their credibility (again)...

Government idiocy...
if you have any misconception that the federal government and its agencies are protecting you...

Supporters of Iraq...
take note...

Democratic idiocy; the saga continues...
How low can these slim balls stoop?
Now, Mr. Estrada is not qualified for the federal bench because he counts among his mentors the likes of Justice Scalia, Chief Justice Rehnquist, and independent prosecuter Ken Starr.
What is wrong with this f______ idiots? Now one's qualifications are dependent upon who one knows? Give me a break.
I fail to understand how any sane individual can support the democratic party.
"Newspapers" (NOT)...
Perhaps they'll eventually realize that since they're not newspapers but mouthpieces of the democratic left. I'm not hopeful in my lifetime, though, as neither the leftist media nor the democratic party have recognized why they were shellaced in November.

The audactity to criticize George Bush as he trys to recover from the morass created by she and her morally depraved husband.
Well, true, moral depravity is not owned by Slick Willie alone; she's a co-owner.

The "entertainment" industry...
Is this the way you're training your children?
Perhaps you'll be next.
Welcome to "America" as the world sees it.

Two peas in a pod...
Danged if I'd compare myself to Ms. Clinton as a positive thing.
Notice Ms. Clinton's advice? Stonewall; the problems will go away.
Hopefully, that era is behind us.

A better idea...
Start with the beginning of Slick Willie's administration.
Look at the effect of his gutting of our military, intelligence and federal law enforcement organizations.
Figure out how to prosecute based on same.

are really really p****** me off.
They stonewalled everything with their senate inactivity last year and now continue to blame everyone but themselves for their results.

Walgreen idiocy...
Hopefully, Ms. O'Brien will take them to the cleaners.
It also appears the Tacoma police well represent what is all too common today: over funded and under managed police departments.

How much more is needed before civilization realizes that the so called "entertainment" industry, centered in Hollywood, is leading the world to moral destruction?

So the French are perturbed...
Tough beans.

This makes a sane person insane...
There are three reasons this exists.
This is a democratic enclave and they're trained by Clinton.

Denials under fire...
Even more...
Where's the truth? See...
The world's window to the US.
Too bad the window hasn't been cleaned.

democrats, democrats, democrats...
A decade of BS isn't enough?
Oh, I forgot, inaction under Clinton doesn't count.
Too bad you didn't learn anything on November 5th.

Who would vote for??...
Oh, yes, I forgot.
He's first, democratic, and second, backed by Hollywood's lack of sense and morality.

Sheer idiocy...
Again, just when you think no one can be more stupid than ever before...

Relieved of duty...
by a bunch of a*******.

Well, gee...
ask me it I'm surprised.
One would have to be quite a few bricks short of a load to move to the left most state in the first place.

Al Sharpton...
What a joke!
This guy asks the left wing liberal run media to ignore his tawdry ways.
Why? Because they ignore the dark side of the Kennedy's and the Clinton's and he wants similar treatment!
Well, guess what, sir? Your media may indeed ignore your misdeeds, but, rest assured the American people won't. Just as they didn't ignore the BS of the democratic party on November 5th.
How to be a jerk...
Just when you think you've seen it all...
Talk about real idiocy...
ABC News, in need of help...
Cute, but not surprising.
These people, who think their feces doesn't smell, are running scared.
And, they're afraid of "untrained amateur" Matt Drudge.
Well, the bottom line is this: If you want to know what's news first and what's going to be on talk radio before it's on, visit Matt Drudge.

Human shields...
I wonder if Nichols is going? Sure hope so.
I can think of a number of people who should be standing where the bombs drop.
Blithering fools.

It's a miracle (NOT!!!)...
Who do these a******* think they're fooling by publicizing a near 100% turnout in elections that are uncontested?
Who do these a******* think they're impressing by claiming victory in an election with no contestants other than themselves.
Yes, I know, the Hollywood types and their ilk will point to it as greatness, but, anyone with half a brain knows better.

Racial prejudice...
Yes, Mr. Bush, racial prejudice still afflicts America.
What people had best realize, most particularly those who claim to be the "prejudicees", is that they themselves have taken racial progress backward for several years now. One doesn't promulgate racial harmony with a "me only" attitude while forming "me only" organizations (like the "Black Caucaus") all with a background chorus of "you owe me".

Hollywood idiocy...
The sordid saga continues...

Hollywood (attempts to) rewrite history...
What will these jerks come up with next?
Use your "off" button.

Network tripe...
The so called "entertainment industry" is truly sick.

Left field Boxer...
At first glance, this article seemed to say "Senator" Boxer may not be an idiot after all.
But, upon reading more, one has to call lefties as they really are.
     - "Senator" Boxer says her proposal will only cost $1 million 
	per aircraft indicating it to be a nit relative to the $150 
	million cost of a 777.
	Well, DUH, MS.'re not talking about spending less
	than 1% additional cost on a new airplane (and we're talking
	relatively few 777's versus "all the rest").  You're proposing 
	to spend tax money of $1 million each to retrofit 6,800
	airplanes.  Maybe it is the right thing to do, but, damn it,
	speak straight.
      - "Senator" Boxer says her propsal costing about $7 billion is
	less costly than the President's tax cut plan.	
	Again, DUH, MS. Boxer.  The tax cut plan of the President is 
	to reduce taxes by $674 billion.  The actual cost to the 
	US tax payer is actually a payback as the economy grows by 
	getting  the spending of dollars back into the hands of the 
	people who can/will grow the economy and out of the hands of 
	people like you who only know how to tax and spend.

Not in my book.
If this is reality for the Hollywood feces for brains types who promulgate this garbage, it's no wonder they spew forth the tripe they do.
The really worrisome part is the number of people who eat this stuff up.
Has the world truly gone crazy?

"Higher education"?...
I think not. More like another network TV show on immorality.
These are the people "educating" your least in Arkansas.
"Slick Willie" wasn't? How can a slimeball not be slick?

ABC sickos...
These people are like democrats...they never learn.
The local ABC affiliate has been out of our television's memory for years.
Continuing down the tubes as ABC is, it won't return, either.

A travesty...
"Up to two years..."
Give me a break. These jerks do not belong in the human race.
And that includes those "knowledgable" and the "onlookers".
Personally, I'd jail them and throw away the key or fry the whole bunch including their parents.

How low can shows go?
Do you have any idea what trail the Hollywood types are leading your children down today?
OK, I will give you this...the gong show is just plain stupid. You don't have to worry about the murder, mayhem, sex, and general immorality.

Democrats (as usual)...
Keep it up, jerks.
You're going to not only lose in 2004, you're going to be totally and absolutely embarassed.
Democrats...members emeritus of this group.

Sour grapes journalism...
Kudos to Matt Drudge.
Kudos to Agence France Presse.
A gigantic razzberry to Columbia Journalism and Lawrence K. Grossman (a former president of NBC News and PBS).

The mainstreamers just cannot accept news they've not created.
General Electric...
Let me get this straight, now...
GE can pay Welch millions and millions to no longer work for the company, but can't pay health plan costs for a few thousand employees?
Must be the "new math".
Whoops! Wait a minute! Could it be the same old story of lack of management accountability for corporate failings...along with continuing corporate greed coupled with an attitude of "to hell with the workers, there're more where those came from"?
My goodness...what a novel idea! NOT!!!
Well, gee, ask me if I'm surprised.
The European community, in general, is made up of an unappreciative, self centered bunch of lily livered pansies.
They're willing to suck up all the aid and value the United States provides, but, are unwilling to support the US in its world wide causes.
I, for one, would very much like to see us cut them off one by one.
Start with military presence, no NATO support, no economic aid.
I'll bet it would take about a microsecond for these idiots to regain their senses.

I've news for KMart.
I don't do business with any company who's incompetent management has taken it down the tubes and it then castigates the lower level employees with layoffs and closings while management retains its overpaid position.
It was clear to me, years ago, that Wal Mart was going to clean KMart's clock due to KMart's mismanagement. (It's clear today that Target will clean Wal Mart's clock similarly. Mark the date of today 1-14-2003, although I've been predicting this for about a year to close friends and family.) KMart blamed their bankruptcy on their inability to compete. Bull s***. They went under because of incompetent management.

Gruesome murders up 3 fold...
Parental idiocy...
The idiots in all this are, of course, the parents.
I wish I could put a scientifically based per centage number on the number of parents who abdicate their parental roles/responsibilities and choose to use medications and doctors for crutches while blaming everyone but themselves for the abhorrent behaviour and actions of their children.

University level educators...
Are these jokers for real?
They put the world's time line on a 24 hour clock and tell us that it's now 4:30 AM and by 5 AM the world as we know it will be plants and animals.
What the idiots fail to explain (because if they did, Joe Six Pack would laugh them out of the human race) is that what they present as 30 minutes scales to 500 million years.
Gee, I guess I should still plan on walking the dog for a while, huh?
What a bunch of jerks.

Another one to ship to another world.
Another reason to not partake of the drivel these people espouse, personally, "professionally", morally, etc., etc., ad nauseum.

If it's in the media, don't believe it.
First, their general liberal bias precludes honest reporting.
Second, editorials, headlines and articles are based on $$$ value to them, not on truth and honesty in journalism.

"Gov." George Ryan...
Not all lily livered pansies are left wing democrats. Unless he's in disguise.

Michael Jackson...
There goes the neighborhood.

Castigation of "Senator" Murray...
She, a true member of this page.
Note that the writer refers to her as a "...threat to national security...".
How true...yet the democratics do nothing. What two faced hypicracy.

Typical misleading, sensationalistic "journalism"...
The Drudge Report headline read "Carolina plane said "too heavy"..."
This one says "loaded to capacity".
Read the article and listen to the reports from the day of the tragedy.
Bottom line: the plane was under its maximum load capacity. Not by much, but, if the maximum's not the maximum, what is?
Any wonder why MSNBC is on the bottom part of the heap as news organizations go?

The INS, a useless governmental department...
An example of a "brilliant" statement...INS spokesperson Strassberger said,
"We just don't have the resources to do that," Strassberger said. "The intention of the program was to put their names into the NCIC database."
Well, duh, can't a minimum wage minimally trained person with a computer terminal do this?
Nice try...but you're not off the hook for not doing your job.
True idiocy.

Only Pelosi...
More idiocy from the left most state.
Pelosi is truly a loose cannon. Hopefully her idiocy will not get innocents killed.
Interesting how other federal facilities already have data to support not recognizing the Mexican ID cards...purported to be a dime a dozen.

More on law enforcement idiocy...
Ah, so "people don't know the facts" and are prejudging the trooper?
Yeh, right. Well, Mr. Hall, you and your irresponsible management have had about a week to make up the facts. Nothing has been forthcoming.
Hello??!!! Calling all idiots!!
This so called "law enforcement officer" should, with his superiors, be put out to pasture. This whole thing reeks of incompetence.
Note how Mr. Hall tells how he yelled and screamed at the dog, who, with tail wagging, was "advancing" on him. And then he blew his head off with a shot gun. Hello??? Yelling and screaming at an animal is supposed to accomplish something positive.
Mr. Hall says he "...acted appropriately...". Bull duky. Mr. Hall, you truly are a member emeritus of this page.
This whole situation was totally inappropriate. You so called "law officers" should be locked up and the key thrown away.
Hang in there, Mr. Smoak. Justice will prevail.

Gray, "Left Most" state, democrats...
Absolutely amazing. The budget deficit in California has almost doubled since the liberal voters of that state gave carte blanche support the the democrats, who dragged them into their morass in the first place. And note where the proposed budget cuts are. Bureaucratic overhead? Nope. Limiting governmental operations? Nope.
As is so typical, cuts are proposed for areas that will get schools, welfare, health services.
Welcome to the purely political world of the democratic party.

All talk; no substance...
Democrats. Again. As usual.
Let 'em talk. They should have learned November 5th that running of mouths while saying nothing gets them, well, nothing.
Come on 2004.

More bureaucracy out of control...
I'm absolutely convinced that 99.99% of the police organizations in this country are over funded and undermanaged.
Who hires these jerks?

"Senator" Murray...
It took her over a month to finally come back and say she said the right thing to start with in kissing up to Osama bin Laden.
Hard to figure who's the bigger idiot here...her, her constituency or the rest of the democratic party for letting her continue.

Hollywood leftists...
A bit hypocritical, isn't it? These goody twoshoes make a living by depicting murder, mayhem and violence on the screen, thereby teaching the young that such activities are OK and then turn around and pretend to be against same.
What a crock.
What fakes.

AOL (again)...
This has to be one of the most weasel worded articles I have ever seen.
Bottom line: if you have ANY stock in AOL/Time Warner, you belong on this page.

Left wing media...
strike again with their unmitigated BS.
I knew jackasses created feces, but this would gag an elephant.
Where to start?
First, the claim the economy's not in good shape. Yep, true. And the decline began a year or two before Slick Willie left office. Thank God George W. got in in time to save us.
Second, the war on terror. Yep, again. Why the hell should the congress focus on the war on terror? Again, George W. has this in hand. He needs the congress to take action to further salvage the economy. Thank God November 5th put the Republicans back in control and kicked the dumb a**** stone walling democrats out.
Do Bush's polices favor the "rich". No, they favor the people who pay taxes and have the wherewithal to create jobs and improve the economy. The bleeding hearts would give handouts to those who pay no taxes in the first place and only suck dollars from those who do pay taxes.
The contention that favorable party view is shifting is pure BS. I'd like to make an analysis of how that question was worded or how the response base was selected. No one in their right mind would have a favorable view of a party that does nothing but whine and complain while presenting no plan of their own.
Who's winning the war on terrorism? The "headline" says 1/3 say we're not. Duh. Less than 1/5 say the "terrorists" are. A little sensationalism in the headline perhaps? You bet.
And then the statement "The Bush Administration comes in for some criticism from the public on its reaction to some international problems. 50% think the Administration is too quick to get American military forces involved; 41% think it tries hard enough to reach diplomatic solutions." Yep, "some" do. Even the reported statistic is meaningless.
Enough. My blood pressure rises.

Ah, yes. True idiots...

Liberals, media, Donahue...
Where to start; where to start?
The left wingers are now trying to get people to believe that there is a conservative bias to the media. Give me a break. Do they really believe the populous is stupid enough to believe that? How can they continue to try to rewrite happenings in diametric opposition to reality? And, then expect anyone to take anything they spout seriously?
Donahue's show ratings were lower than low this week. Any wonder why? Let me see, now. The show was spent discussing the "conservative media bias". And nobody listened? Duh.
These people just don't get it. Never have; never will.
Democrats (as usual)...
Will these jerks never learn?
They were totally embarrassed Nov 5 in part because all they can do is whine, complain and criticize.
Now they continue. No agenda of their own, but everyone else's is wrong.
Well, folks, keep it up. You'll be made total 2004.

Kudos to Wal-Mart; another raspberry for Mattel...

People are truly sick.
Who's sicker...the creater or the buyer?

Moving another step away from family values.
Vote with your $$. Boycott all Disney products.

Idiocy begets idiocy...
The panty waist liberal left in the US, led by many many politicians and Hollywood dumbkoffs, denigrate The President. Is it any wonder that our enemies play on thier name calling and other denigrations? What a bunch of jerks.

Disgusting arrogance.
Disgusting bureaucracy.

CNN & Time...
Did you see the special that CNN did on the "behind the scenes" scenario of Time's selection of "person of the year". I was amazed (but not surprised) at the pervasive negativism expressed toward the President and his team.
It certainly supports my position of generally not watching CNN and generally not having anything to do with anything associated with AOL/Time Warner.
Awright!! Since Democrats live (and die) by polls, maybe she will run and they will run her.
The resounding thumping that any democratic candidate will be getting in 2004 may finally get her out of our lives forever.
(I can hope and pray for a miracle, can't I?)

Hypocricy = Democrats = Byrd...
Yep, an outspoken racist senator with a KKK past plays a Confederate general.
Yep, he's a democrat.
Can the dems be more hypocritical?

Mattel, FAO Schwarz...
Looks like trafficing in child pornography to me.
It won't succeed without parental complicency, though.

(More) Sen. Murray...
Reaping her just desserts, I'd say.
She says her "words are being twisted". Yeh, right. Twisted like a noose around her neck.

And after the fact pseudo back peddaling doesn't cut it, MS. Murray.
I say there's no place for you in the government of this country.
The Dems & Lott...
Well, the Democrats won the battle and lost the war. Yes, Lott's out.
People will not forget the hypocritical character assasination, the lies, the innuendo and the outright bigotry used by the left to force the issue.
Bunches of them too!
At least the bombs will reach them first.

Sen. Murray...
There's just no shortage of them, is there?

Jerks of the world...
Let me make sure I get this right.
The headline reads that tons of nerve gas are missing, tons of anthrax are missing and nuclear bomb parts are missing. The article states that the UN was told by its own head inspector that Iraq's declaration is full of holes. Yet, the very first sentence says " The United States pushed the world closer to armed conflict last night...
As I've noted many times...just when you think you've seen the epitome of idiocy, some jerk will present a worse case.

Ed Asner/CNN...
Every time I watch a few moments of CNN, I come away totally p___ed.
Why oh why would they give even a moment's coverage to people like Asner who have absolutely no understanding of the danger the world faces and espouse only their own panywaist ideas and ideals? Asner says he'll never give the current administration "approval" for a war they whipped up for their own ends. Well, MR. ASNER, "their own ends" are the protection of the American people, which, unfortunately, includes your sorry a__. You had best thank your lucky stars that some people have the guts to do what's right instead of sitting back and espousing BS through rose colored glasses. I submit that you and your other Hollywood buddies have absolutely no idea what the real world is like, either in the US or abroad. Thank God we don't depend on you for ANYTHING.
Clinton (again)...
Just when I think all the stupid things have been said and all the holier than thou accusations made...

Sean Penn...
Naïveté reigns supreme for Hollywooders.

And they voted all and then more of the foxes back into the hen house on 5 Nov.

Bunch of stinking hypocrites...
Taliban admirer...
As long as idiots like this live, the world is not safe.
The more "Hollywood types" support this, the more unsafe we are on our own soil

I find it absolutely amazing that Slick Willie thinks people believe him when he says he had a plan for everything that ever might go awry. Willie the Immoral and Carter the Incompetent. What a pair.

Jimmy Carter...
If he does as good a job on this as he did freeing the hostages from Iran the whole Middle East will be toast.

Again and again and again and...

Sean Penn...
Does he really believe he'll see anything that's not staged? Sucker.

Is this not the ultimate in hypocrisy?
No other word for it.
No punishment would be too harsh for the parents of these two.

Reigns supreme.
Trent Lott is lambasted for an innocent (but stupid) commment made celebrating the 100th birthday of Strom Thurmond. Lambasted by whom? The most racist, most bigoted, most segregationalist organizations and individuals in the nation.
The Congressional Black Caucus
Jesse Jackson
Al Sharpton
Lott is castigated by Al Gore whose father, a life long segregationalist, as a Democrat, voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Each time one believes the liberal left has reached the ultimate of stupidity, they find a way to do themselves one better.
Ah, yes. An outstanding member of this group. The leftmost state of the union that made the decision November 5th to swing more left all the time knowing they were headed down the tubes already. Tax and spend. Tax and spend.

USA Today...
True racism...

Jackson, Sharton, Gore...
liberal wannabees and jerks all.
Al Gore is truly a hypocrit. His father has to be one of the top segregational racists of all times. He's one whose has a "claim to fame" of having voted against the Civil Rights Act.

And more...
And more...
I decided a long time ago this guy was a jerk. A "host" who hangs up on a person whose views are in disagreement with his has no business being in any position pretending to accept viewer calls and comments as a part of their show.

"Celebrity" idiots...
Celebrity is in quotes...they're not in my book. In my book, they're jerks who have no idea their feces stinks like everyone else's and have absolutely no idea what life in the real world is like.

Gee, must be nice to be "morally superior". About as nice as it is to bask under the protection of their southern neighbors and not have to get their lilly white hands soiled.

good riddance.

NY Times...
About once every half dozen blue moons, media arrogance folds.

More Gore...
Gore gets paid to smooze the Chinese. He says BusinessWeek paid.
BusinessWeek denies. With democrats, we never know where the truth is, do we?

Is "...a sharp drop in advertising revenue and changes in business strategy..." the failure of the people who'll be canned to make up for it or the result of an inept management team who will keep their jobs no matter what? Duh...

Catholic bankruptcy...
How can an archdiocese declare non-responsibility when the root cause is the Catholic church itself?
Only when the world-wide Roman Catholic church is bankrupt should these people be allowed to declare such.

Al Sharpton on Clinton...
Even emeritus members of this group see the obvious.

The National Organization for Women has decided that their holiday phrase is "Choice on Earth", not "Peace on Earth". True members of this group.
Killing does not bring peace; I guess that's why they dodge the truth.

Martha Burk...
A true and worthy member of this group.
Remember, this is the person who wanted a government committee to evaluate men for fitness for fatherhood.
Any fetus not fitting the heritage mould would be killed.

John Kerry...
From the frying pan to the fire!

Even more...
The more this guy runs his mouth, the more he fits this category.

Anyone who's put up with AOL's crap for even 15 seconds can tell these people what's wrong with their business.
Behind Micro$oft, I can think of no company for whom I have more disdain.

- Perhaps a return to the Disney of Walt instead of the sex/violence oriented Hollywood Disney of Eisner would help them.
- Perhaps the negative publicity provided by conservative religion is having an effect.
- How can a company, in all good conscious, change an earnings report only days after releasing it?

Clinton Rallies Democrats...
Yeh, right. Will these people never learn?
On a positive note, though...when Clinton runs his mouth, Republican strength increases.

John Kerry...
Ah, yes. Nothing like a $150 haircut (he says its "only" $75") to make one's image a "populist"/"centrist"/person of the people/understander of the plight of the average citizen. Yeh, right.

George W. Spends $30 every two weeks for "house call" service.See...
John J. DiIulio Jr....
does this jerk have any credibility? A low level knows what's going on at the top policy making levels? I think not. Makes one wonder what his real agenda is. Coming from academia, it's not hard to figure out, is it?

And now he's in denial. Hmmmm...a trait learned from the prior administration?
Esquire's writer responds...
Jail and fire
this SOB...and instigate profiling (i.e., stop being pansies)...

Ah, yes. "Amnesty International"...
lest we forget...

Clearly Eugene, Oregon is full of them...
One less Canadian troublemaker...
but many days too late. Irreparable damage has been done.

It is truly time to tell Canada to stick it.

One would have hoped that the malls, etc., would have acted responsibly all along.

John Ashcroft...
Another bird changed its color.

Another reason to tell AOL to stick it.
This is what happens when outfits get too big for the public good.

Some people never learn that they (and their feces) stink.

Jose Martinez (NY Daily News)...
mixes cutsy idiocy with reality.

Unbelieveable. These people still don't get it. They lost the election because they have no plan/program/etc.. But, their only recourse is to disagree with George W., but with no viable acceptable alternative.
Oh, yeah, I forgot. They stand for motherhood and apple pie.
Or, so they would lead you to believe.
Hello? Are they there?
Goodbye democrats in 2004. Maybe they will run Billary and get her sent down the tubes. Forever.

Jerman Jerks...
Is the jerk Herr Schroeder or are the jerks the populous that elected him on a peacenick agenda?

John Kerry...
So the view is he'll have to become a bird of a different color to become a viable presidential candidate. Why is it that all these flaming liberals have to pretend to be what they're not to have a chance at election. Duh!!

Osama bin Laden's...
"letter to the American people. (Personally I find the idiocy of this makes it difficult to get beyond the first few words. This person is truly warped.)

The letter...
Lou Dobbs...
This guy's writings and speakings get dumber and dumber. This article has got to be the biggest mish-mash of "apples and oranges" ever.

Sen. Mary Landrieu (D)...
now resorting to threats. From a left winger, no real surprise. Of late, their true colors are really showing.

Los Angeles...
Why do the liberal politicos who are 100% in charge in this, the leftmost of states, have no comment, no plan, no solution? Whoops, I expect too much...they do the same thing on the national level too.

Mayor Street (Philadelphia)...
Philadelphia's going bust, so indicates the mayor.
Heh! This is the city the prior mayor left with massive surplus...or so he said in his campaign for governor.
This is the city whose high taxes and excessive attention to it's Democratic voting base has reduced its population from 2.2 million to below 1.5 million.
And the unions are their usual non-helpful self-centered selves:
  This union will not agree to layoffs. ..." said Herman "Pete" Matthews, head of District Council 33 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, which represents 12,000 blue-collar workers. ..."Wherever the deficit is coming from, it's not because of us,"...
  Thomas Paine Cronin, president of District Council 47, which represents 5,200 white-collar workers, said: "We've made proposals to the city where we can work more efficiently and provide better service to the City of Philadelphia... . There's no need to lay anyone off."
Yeh, right. Want to buy my ocean view property in Arizona?

Canada... Ah, yes. The name-calling Canadians who are 99% dependent upon the US to give them the freedom to be name callers. Sounds like the domain of which Berkley is a satellite country, doesn't it?
Easy to fix. If it says "Made in Canada" on it, send it back.

Appears Chrétien is the moron. Look here...
Again, if it says "Made in Canada" on it, send it back.
Time Magazine... said to have Martha Stewart on its short list of candidates for person of the year.
Any doubt as to why the US is viewed world wide as a morally decrepit society?
Another reason to do no business with AOL/Time-Warner.
Lawsuit... A lawsuit against McDonald's seeks redress for McDonald's not telling people that fast food will make them fat.
The liberal mantra...blame everyone else, not self. Is there no parental responsibility?
Every time it seems the epitomy of stupidity is reached, a more far reaching example arises.
John "The Rogue" McCain... asked to comment on Daschle's ruckus regarding talk radio commented that Rush Limbaugh is entertaining "like a circus clown".
You don't have to remind me that I don't want this guy sharing a foxhole with me. Well, maybe if he's disarmed and constrained...
Tom Daschle... Sorry, but he's such a wonderful example of the content of this page...
In his "interview" of the 21st, "The Mortician" commented that "experts" to whom he talked told him that even people who don't agree with him (Rush) listen to Rush Limbaugh's show.
Golly gosh, gee whiz! Isn't that absolutely amazing...there are some on the left who choose to educate themselves. Too bad the liberal Democratic leadership chooses to remain uneducated.

Rush sez...
More... than a few screws loose in my opinion. He's crazy.
Governor Elect Ehrlich....
How does one spell S-T-U-P-I-D?
Leonardo DiCaprio's Hollywood brilliance... "I think ultimately success is good. Failure not so good...".
Is this guy brilliant or what. DUH! More...
Tom "The Mortician" Daschle, again...On ABC News, Daschle was noted to say that he's "deeply concerned" (his most favorite expression) that Rush Limbaugh and his "wannabees" and talk radio are causing their listeners to increasingly make threats against Daschle, his family and others in public life.
What an absolute crock! I guess these people (if there are any, which I doubt) identify themselves as talk radio listeners and then make threats?
God Almighty, is this guy an idiot or is he an idiot?
Let's note a few things...
-- The liberals tried to blame Oklahoma City on talk radio. Didn't work.
-- Hillary tried to blame "Slick Willie's" moral failure on "the right". Didn't work.
-- The liberals tried to blame Hillary's failure to massively socialize medicine on conservatives. Didn't work.
-- The liberals are trying to blame their election shellacing on everyone but themselves. Not working.
-- The liberals are trying to blame an economic downturn which began almost two years before we got rid of "Slick Willie" and "Gore the Bore" on George W. Ain't working.
Interesting to note that the economic policies of Regan and Bush were strong enough to withstand 6 or so years of Clinton/Gore/Democratic idiocy before beginning to weaken.
Interesting to note the George W. was able to bring some hope of turn around within a year.
Hang it up Mr. Daschle...your idiocy has been rejected. Get over it.

Rush sez...
Erwin Chemerinsky...suit... The suit alleged they (prisnors in Guantanamo) have been deprived of their liberty without lawyers and have not been informed of the accusations against them, in violation of the U.S. Constitution. ...Erwin Chemerinsky, a University of Southern California law professor ... brought the suit... More...
Professor Gunther von Hagens...said he is determined to press ahead with the autopsy in front of Channel4 television cameras and a paying audience of 200 people at an art gallery in the East End. ...
(Ed. comment: Sick and sicker).
It's done...
Al "The Loser" Gore.. "The Loser" fails to understand the nations economy is the result of the rot of the Clinton/Gore years. "The Loser" doesn't recognize the economy was diving more than a year before George Bush took office...and the Clinton/Gore administration lied about it, as with everything else. "The Loser" doesn't recognize that as of the first Tuesday in November 2002, the voting populous of the US told his kind to take a hike. "The Loser" doen't realize he's a loser. More... Even more...
Any Arab nation that takes in Saddam Hussein's dregs... More...
Anyone who voted for Lautenberg in New Jersey. By doing so, they:
-- ignored written NJ law.
-- accepted "new" law espoused by a liberal court.
-- negated their own primary votes.
-- accepted the lesser of the two major candidates.
The 99.9% of the country's Democrats who haven't a clue... More...
United Way... In order to mislead the public as to their "administrative" costs, United Way advises its member organizations to report as received funds those monies belonging to other groups and to add the "value" of volunteer time as received funds. Figures can lie and liars can figure. More...
Tom "The Mortician" Daschle pontificates that the House voted over three hundred and something to one hundred and something "over the summer"... Well, DUH!, Mr. Daschle. Why didn't the Senate take action? It takes both houses to tango, you know. I never cease to be amazed at how idiots of the Democratic party can, with a straight face blame everyone else for their failures.
Michael Jackson... And they're giving this a__hole a "lifetime achievement award"? Unbelievable. What more can be said? More...
Monica & Willie...
If you support this man, you deserve to be a part of this list.
