There are some!
Southwest Airlines...
Makes money where others fail.
Curious, isn't it?
No, not really. Good management outshines poor management all the time.
It's just too bad that so many people allow themselves to be snooker by poorly managed airlines.

Take back...
Well, it took long enough.
I lump the Turks with the french...ostracize the SOB's.
Curious (well, NOT) why the leftmost media continues to claim the Turkish parliament voted against the resolution when, in reality, they voted FOR it...but, through a parliamentary maneuver, a single individual negated the vote.

Reps. Ney and Jones...
Way to go.
Freedom fries it is. Tell the french to kiss off.

Congressman DeLay...
Way to go, Sir!

Thank the Almighty...
Someone in the "entertainment" industry with some sense.

Kudos to Fred Rogers...
who died today. (Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood on PBS.)
Throughout his many years he stayed the course.
His programs were educational, loving, caring, accepting and interesting.
Paraphrasing Tom Shales (Washington Post): Rogers presentations weren't shows, they were cultural events.
We'll miss you, Mr. Rogers.

Ambassador Leach...
Well said sir.
Very pleasing also to finally see a writer, Mr. Trevor Kavenagh, finally recognizing and calling Chirac the "buddy" of Hussein who trades oil for nuclear supplies and calls Blix what he is...gullible.

Zell Miller...
Well said and well done Senator Miller.
As expected, the writer was her normal snot nosed media self.

Way to go...
Phil Santiago and your customers at Fuzzy’s Pub & Grill.

Well done...
Dane Aage Bjerre has the right view of the French and the Germans and, thank God, has the guts to do something about it.

Outback Steakhouse

Congratulations Fox...
What the other networks are saying is they censored the tape, determining what they thought we poor proletariant should hear.
I personally wouldn't say that Fox actually broadcast the tape...it was barely audible in the background as an interpreter spoke.

Thank God...
For a Republican with the guts to call a spade a spade.
"Going To War Without France Is Like Going Deer Hunting Without Your Accordian." - Donald Rumsfeld
Kudos to Judge Sweet...
Sanity and common sense prevail.
Protecting the unborn...
Perhaps people are coming around.
Interesting that the article seems to show previous acceptance of the liberal argument that the unborn are organic masses, not people.
Part of the rapid decline of the far left? Hopefully.

Lieberman, a thinking democrat...
Thank God.
At last, a democrat who thinks.
It really takes guts to be a lonely voice in a forest.

Kudos to Wal-Mart; another raspberry for Mattel...

Denzel Washington...
On a CNN articl...
A media peson says that viewers, particularly women, would like to see him do more sex scenes.
Mr. Washington's simple response: he prefers to do scenes that his children can watch.
Way to go, sir. A point of light in the darkness of Hollywood.
People of integrity; people of bravery.
Not often I agree with anything Time does. These three break the mould.

Thanks, Mr. Fitzgerald...
(I hope you still have a job.)

How to destroy America...
Mr. Stein clearly sees the problems. What's not said is that one sees left wing liberalism throughout the article.

Dick Morris...
At least some people think.

Postal service overhaul...
A major step would be to charge first class rates for all junk mail. Junk mail would drop dramatically, allowing for less manpower, and, the remaining junk mail would pull its weight instead of being subsidized by the citizenry.

gets smart.
Unfortunately, in the US, it is believed that public good should take a back seat to "freedom" of speech.
