Predictable Idiocy


Are the Democrats predictable, or what? Sheeesh!
They've spent most of today (the 6th) blaming everyone...including their own voter base...for getting the resounding thrashing they so much deserve. Duh!
Why can they not understand "It's NOT THE ECONOMY STUPID" (except to the extent that they as a single party under "Slick Willie" destroyed the gains made by Regan/Bush economic policies). They care not to be bothered with the fact that today's economic downturn began a year or so BEFORE "Slick Willie" left office.
So, today, they blame their losses on:
-- The President stumping. Duh!
-- The President raising funds for campaigns. Duh!
-- Contributions from the pharmaceutical industry. Where the hell did that one come from?
-- Scare campaign tactics. Yeh, theirs!
-- Their voter base. Well,'s disappearing.
Why can't these people see they shot themselves in the foot? Illegally placing Lautenberg on the ballot in NJ. Turning the Wellstone "memorial service" into a blasphemous political rally (and booing Republican dignataries who were in attendance). Then, they castigate the President for not attending...after they told even the Vice-President to stay away. DUH!
Democratics, READ MY LIPS: the public is not stupid...except for a lot of your voting base, evidently.
Then, they specifically violate Minnesota law by forcing the resend of absentee ballots. They threaten all kinds of legal possibilities by sending an army of observer lawyers into places like Florida. They block numerous numerous judicial appointments for their own ideological reasons having absolutely nothing to do with qualifications.
For God's sake; don't they know that the voting populous isn't stupid (except for most of Philadelphia)?
Don't they have any curiosity that Republican turnout/votes improved in the areas "Slick Willie" visited?
Don't they wonder why a seasoned politician like Mondale was thrashed in Minnesota...where they blasphemed Wellstone?
Don't they understand that the Bush tax cuts did not eat away the projected budget surplus? (Could it have had something to do with the fact they lied about the state of the economy for over a year under "Slick Willie"? Duh!). Don't they understand the economy would be in a hell of a lot worse shape if "W" had not forced the tax cut upon them. (Don't they understand that voters recognize their hypocracy when they brag they "voted for the tax cut"? (They should have stated, "yes, I voted for the tax cut, kicking and screaming because a Republican President forced me to violate my "tax and spend" principles"; I had to do what I really knew was right.")
They continue to be blind to the causes, but,The Democratic party got exactly what it deserved and worked for on 5 Nov 2002.
With their attitude, they can kiss off 2004.